Crown Point Jr Bulldogs Football's Fundraiser

Help the Crown Point Jr Bulldogs TACKLE CANCER!! Together let's rage W.A.R. against childhood cancer by helping to grant WISHES, raise AWARENESS and fund RESEARCH clinical trials for kids fighting cancer!
Join us and help make a difference, please give today.
On November 29, 2020 Cameron Baker was diagnosed with Stage V Wilm’s Tumor, a rare form of kidney cancer affecting young children.
Unlike football, there was no playbook for this one. There were no drills. This was happening, this was real life… and we were blindsided. Cal's Angels was a key part of the Defense as Cameron muscled through 28 weeks of chemotherapy, 6 radiation treatments, countless scans and weekly blood work, a month full of hospital stays and multiple surgeries including a 9 hour surgery removing portions of both of his kidneys. It continued as Cameron “rang the bell”, signifying remission on July 7th 2021. Cal’s Angels support will continue throughout the next 4 crucial years of surveillance until Cameron is officially deemed “cancer free” and beyond. Their support remains steadfast not only for Cameron, but the entire family.
Cal’s Angels rages W.A.R. against pediatric cancer through granting Wishes, bringing Awareness and funding vital Research. Cal’s is bringing REAL change to tackle pediatric cancer and will not stop until hearing the words “There is a Cure for Cancer”.
Cameron Baker, now 7, is in his second year of tackle football with the Wolves Littles, looking up to older brother Weston Baker who is on the Wolves Bigs. It is our passion to help raise funds so that another family does not have to hear and feel the crushing blow of “Your child / sibling has cancer”. The Crown Point Jr. Bulldogs is taking this fight to the football field and, with your support, is aiming to TACKLE CANCER. Together as a community, a team, help us provide the Offense needed to help families living with childhood cancer, while creating a Defense to stop childhood cancer in its tracks.
Your donation will go a long way to help us meet our goal for CAL'S ANGELS